Karen D

Thank you for introducing me to the Paleo plan! When I scheduled a consultation with you, my goals were simple: eliminate eczema, sleep through the night, reduce inflammation.

As promised, I followed your Paleo plan to the letter, took the supplements (I’ve grown to LOVE the cod liver oil…go figure!), and changed up my exercise routine to include CrossFit. The results have been amazing! I’m happy to report that I’m sleeping 8 – 9 uninterrupted hours per night, my eczema is nearly gone, inflammation is greatly reduced AND I’ve lost ten pounds! As a woman in her 40’s whose children are all in college, reaching the “pre-baby” weight from my 20’s was always a hope in the back of my mind. I went from a size 12 to a size 6!!! It is now my reality thanks to you!

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