Rachael B

At the end of my Senior year in high school, conveniently around prom and graduation, I developed severe acne on my forehead and cheeks. It was unlike anything I had experienced before and did not know what measures to take. I visited a dermatologist but did not see the results that I was looking for. The topical lotions made my skin extremely dry and the acne was getting worse, not better. In addition to my acne, I was struggling to gain weight and improve my energy levels. Being underweight most of my life, I had meet with a nutritionist several times who advised me to eat simple carbohydrates for energy and weight gain. This diet did not result in either desired results.

I visited Diana Rodgers for the first time in late summer, before leaving for college. First I kept a food diary recording what I ate, when and how I felt after eating. As a result of the test, we realized there was a pattern of fatigue after most meals and snacks. Later we met in person to review my food diary and then did a series of tests in order to see how different parts of my body were responding to the foods I was eating. From this study, Diana designed a new diet rich in plant foods, protein and low in refined sugars, caffeine and junk food. She also recommended a series of natural supplements.

Within a month of beginning this new program, I had gained 12 pounds and my skin had begun to quickly return to a healthy state. Also, unlike many of my classmates, I now have much more energy than I did before. As a college student it is hard to follow a strict diet plan, so Diana tailored my plan to my lifestyle—even factoring the occasional treat!

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